I started the week off at the golf outing. The Young Professionals Committee hosts a Closest to the Pin contest at one of the holes every year, and so that's where I was. I love doing golf outings this way. It's fun to talk to everyone as they come round, and there aren't any embarrassing moments when I completely miss the ball I'm swinging at. After last week, I was a bit worried that the weather would less than ideal, but it was a beautiful day.
After the golf outing, we set up our booth before grabbing some dinner. I thought we had a great location on this corner. (Side: sorry about the terrible picture quality. My phone just takes terrible pictures and after this week, I'm not even trying anymore. They're just too low quality!) But you get the gist - it's a great location. I'm not sure how I keep getting lucky enough to have great booth locations on corners (no jokes now), but I'm sure loving it!
And then before I know it, the week is done and I'm scrambling to catch up on everything back in my office on Friday! When there's lots to do on Friday, I know that it's been a week well spent. Back to work now. :)