While the political uncertainty brings a certain anxiety particular to Wisconsin, we're certainly not the only ones facing problems. Jefferson County, Alabama declared the largest municipal bankruptcy in the history of our country this fall (source). The whole case is complex and I won't run it all down for you here (here's a good article for more information). What was most interesting to me, and brings a certain amount of warning, is the source of their major bankruptcy - a massive sewer project. A major part of the bankruptcy proceedings are centered on increases in sewer rates. We're all familiar with these issues in our own experiences; the high cost of infrastructure in a wastewater system vs. the need to keep water and sewer rates affordable for the members of our community.
I don't have any magical solutions for your budgets; I don't think anybody does. Here's what I can do - I can offer you our promise to be your partner in these rough budgeting times. We've been offering lower cost solutions since we were founded in 2004. If you've been around our company at all, you've seen that we often use the phrase "Affordable Solutions." For some companies, that might just be a catch phrase. Not at B&M. This a pillar of our business and something we're conscientiously providing our customers every day. This doesn't just mean offering the least expensive products, although you'll find that we use identical products at a lower cost. When we offer affordable solutions, we don't forget the second word - solutions. We know that a so-called solution that is merely cheap and only works for a short time isn't affordable. We offer stable products that last and stand the test of time. We don't have a lot of the overhead that many competitors may have, so we can keep our service rates lower. This all adds up to savings for you.
We recognize that this coming year may be tough on a lot of water and wastewater treatment plants. I look forward to partnering with you in order to get through it while maintaining your system. If we can have open and honest discussions about what you're facing and your needs, I know that we can help you. Here's my contact information,