WWOA West Central Region Operators Meeting in West Salem
This was a great meeting in West Salem. After some really interesting presentations, everyone had to listen to me talk about SCADA. Luckily that's one of my favorite topics. It's just so important to look at your SCADA through a whole system approach.
WWOA Southern Region Operators Meeting in Jefferson
This meeting was short but sweet for me, as I had to run out to a different meeting too soon. Luckily Gwyn from ShinMaywa was with me and represented our companies for the whole day. It was a beautiful day in Jefferson, and it felt like it was going to be a great meeting.
WRWA Golf Outing in Waupaca
While the day before it was 80 degrees and sunny, of course the day of the golf outing in was not. Despite the wind and the rain, it wasn't too cold and Gwyn from ShinMaywa and I had a fun day running a putting contest. I always really enjoy chatting with all the golfers as they come through.
WWOA Lake Michigan Region Operators Meeting in Kelly Lake
Lake Michigan Operator's meetings never disappoint, and Kelly Lake was no different. With a room full of operators and a day of interesting presentations, what more can you ask for?
Here's what we're looking forward to in June:
- WIAWWA Customer Service Seminar - Katie is presenting on social media 101!
- Watertown Collection System Seminar - best meeting meal of the year!
- WWWP Meeting - Katie is presenting a fun NEW presentation!
- WWOA North Central Meeting - always a great day
Have a great Memorial Day everyone!